culture and tradition of filipino

filipino culture and tradition

Filipinos are the people who are native to or citizens of the country of the Philippines. 

There are the culture and tradition of the Filipino

Filipinos are very resilient

In times of calamities and catastrophes, Filipinos always manage to rise above the challenge. Instead of wallowing, they manage to pick themselves up and smile.

Filipinos take pride in their families

In the Philippines, it is family first. So whether you are part of the immediate family or you belong to the third or fourth generation, you are treated as a family member. Sometimes, even the closest of friends are considered family, too.

Filipinos are very religious

In all corners of a Filipino house, you can find brazen images of crosses and other religious paraphernalia. They go to church every Sunday, or sometimes even twice or three times a week.

Filipinos are very respectful

From the moment they are born into this world, they are already taught how to be respectful by using these simple catchphrases—po and opo, words that end sentences when addressing elders. They have a culture of pagmamano, which is where they raise the backs of the hands of their elders to their foreheads as a sign of respect.

Filipinos help one another

More popularly known as bayanihan, Filipinos help one another—without expecting anything in return—so that undertaking their tasks and responsibilities become much easier. Sometimes this is called “community spirit.”

Filipinos value traditions and culture

For Filipinos, traditions in their home and in their family are important. They usually set aside a specific day for a certain celebration like festivals, birthday parties, reunions, etc. And of course, every gathering is dedicated to keeping up with each other over sumptuous food.

Filipinos love to party

Yes, Filipinos love to hold celebrations and fiestas. Bacolod has its MassKara Festival, Davao has its Kadayawan Festival, and Marinduque has its Moriones Festival.

Filipinos have the longest Christmas celebrations—ever

Even as early as August, you can hear Christmas songs and jingles being played in the malls or in the restaurants in the Philippines. The mood becomes festive, with many people shopping and in good spirits. Christmas celebrations last until around the first or second week of January.

Filipinos love to eat

Aside from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Filipinos manage to squeeze in a little meal in between, too. Whether they eat every hour or every three hours, they savour every bite. Oh, and they do love going to buffets

Filipinos love to sing

This is the reason why karaoke has become so prevalent. As part of their recreation, Filipinos spend some quality time with their families or friends singing or belting out new and old songs.

Filipinos love art and architecture

Just look at the massive and tall buildings everywhere. Filipinos have a penchant for bringing art and architecture to a whole new level. They love to design creatively, to think intuitively, and have a passion for anything different and unique.

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